Jodie Bennett

Being able to balance a career alongside my family responsibilities is a privilege I don't take lightly. Working part-time as a senior leader allows me to have a career while also maintaining the boundaries I need to set to continue my wellbeing journey - that's not something everyone has the luxury of being able to do. I am fortunate to work for an organisation that encourages bringing our 'whole selves' to work - that means being open and upfront about our needs in a way that the organisation can be responsive to and supportive of. I've been asked if I would like to go full-time but I have found my happy place, juggling home life with having a career in a way I can give equally to both - I don't feel that constant dread that I'm so torn I'm not able to give my all to either aspect of my life. Previously I found full-time work gave way to an overwhelming sense of guilt. Having a part-time senior leadership role allows me to be the best I can be in all aspects of my life, I never feel torn between home life and my career, it all balances out perfectly.