Charlotte Harris
A part time position means permission to manage my life commitments in a way that suits me and lets me give my best to each one. For the last 12 years I have worked in a ‘part-time’ capacity but I have never let that negatively impact on career.
Both Abley and my previous employer have supported me to continue to grow. I have been entrusted with executive level & impactful roles, with my employer knowing that by providing some flexibility and latitude in how and when I work, in return my commitment to delivery is never less than 100%. That means some give and take on both sides. I make sure I am clear on my non-negotiables but flex, especially when a deadline looms or crisis hits.
I don’t label my work or role as part time. When I work I am present and committed fully, and when I am with family, friends, dancing, or camping I make sure I give that the same attention.
I would love to see more variety in the way ‘work’ is enabled for everyone – senior, executive or otherwise – we are all different and work differently. Have the courage to seek out a role that works for you.